5 Raleigh Street, Chatham
In the Time of Covid…

In the Time of Covid…

Radical Acceptance means leaning into these unprecedented times. It means taking in and validating the difficulties of all that has changed. It can mean choosing to pause for a moment to mourn what is lost and what is yet unknown. It is all okay and can be done...
Enter Radical Acceptance

Enter Radical Acceptance

It has been said in dialectical philosophy that before we can change anything we first must accept it. This means taking an inventory of “what is”. Taking extra precaution not to omit the painful parts, the uncertainty and the despair. We take in ALL of IT. When we...
What is suffering?

What is suffering?

Suffering is caused in part by trying to dispute reality. When faced with a situation that we disagree with, dislike or detest it is not uncommon for people to put up some resistance towards aspects of life that are difficult. This looks like conjuring up an ideal of...
I Just Want Things to Go Back To Normal…and Fast!

I Just Want Things to Go Back To Normal…and Fast!

Few could have predicted the way that Covid-19 would wreak havoc on our lives. Covid-19 has become now a marker of time, distinguishing what life was like prior and what life is like now. As the world begins to slowly “open back up” and as we enter into summer, many...